Podenquero of honour award for the best montería in open hunting estate in the 2021-2022 season: "BENAVENTE RIBEROS" 20-11-2021.
(Marisitos Díaz, co-director of Cinegética de Alcántara, collects the award).
Season 2021-2022 (El Cotano)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate "EL COTANO" in the 2021-2022 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipality of Zarza la Mayor.
Season 2021-2022 (El Cotano)
Wild boar, silver medal, shot in the estate "EL COTANO" in the 2021-2022 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipality of Zarza la Mayor.
Podenquero of honour award for the best montería in open hunting estate in the 2020-2021 season: "BENAVENTE RIBEROS" 5-12-2020.
(Marisitos Díaz, co-director of Cinegética de Alcántara, collects the award).
CARACOLAS Awards 2021
Bronze conch for the best montería in open hunting estate in the 2020-2021 season:
Second prize to the 2nd the best wild boar montería in open hunting estate in the 2020-2021 season:
"EL PUENTE" 27-12-2020.
Nomination to the Caracola of gold to the best montería in open hunting estate in the 2020-2021 season: "LOS QUEMAOS" 25-10-2020 and "BORDONES Y SERRANA" 10-1-2021.
Nomination to the Caracola of gold to the best montería in open hunting estate in the 2019-2020 season: "EL COTANO" 16-11-2019 and "HEREDADE DO SOBRAL" 27-2-2020.
(Marisitos Díaz, co-director of Cinegética de Alcántara, collects the award).
2020-2021 Hunting Season (Bordones)
Wild boar with 113.7 points, gold medal, shot in the estate "BORDONES" in the 2020-2021 season. Open hunting estates located in the municipality of Ceclavín.
2020-2021 Hunting Season (El Cotano)
Deer 167,5 points, bronze medal, shot in the estate "EL COTANO" in the 2020-2021 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Zarza la Mayor.
2019-2020 Hunting Season (Bordones)
Wild boar, silver medal, shot in the estate “BORDONES” in the 2019-2020 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Ceclavín.
2019-2020 Hunting Season (Torrebotello)
Wild boar, silver medal, shot in the estate “TORREBOTELLO” in the 2019-2020 season. Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
2018-2019 Hunting Season (El Rancho Grande)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate “EL RANCHO GRANDE” in the 2018-2019 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Casillas de Coria.
2018-2019 Hunting Season (Las Mohedas)
Wild boar, silver medal, shot in the estate “LAS MOHEDAS” in the 2018-2019 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
2018-2019 Hunting Season (Las Mohedas)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate “LAS MOHEDAS” in the 2018-2019 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
Prize 2018 CONCHES.
"BENAVENTE" bronze conch to the best open hunting estate in the 2017-2018 season. (D Luis Dueñas, owner of the hunting estate, collects the award) .
Best monterías in open in the 2017-2018 season:
(Diego Simancas, in representation of Pablo Díaz Ladrón de Guevara director of Cinegética de Alcántara, collects the award).
Prize 2018 CONCHES.
"BENAVENTE RIBEROS" 2017-2018 season bronze conch for the best montería in open.
The "CINEGETICA DE ALCANTARA" Extremadura organization has been awarded the prize for best program in open huntinh estatearm in the 2017-2018 season and diploma of honor for his great contribution to the world of monterías to the director of the organic Pablo Díaz Ladron de Guevara".
(Pablo Díaz, director of Cinegética de Alcántara, collects the award).
2017-2018 Hunting Season (Benavente Calera)
Wild boar, silver medal, shot in the estate “BENAVENTE CALERA” in the 2017-2018 season. Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Zarza la Mayor.
2017-2018 Hunting Season (Las Mohedas)
Wild boar, gold medal, shot in the estate “LAS MOHEDAS” in the 2017-2018 season.
Open hunting estate, located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
2017-2018 Hunting Season (Benavente Riberos)
Deer, bronze medal, shot in the estate “BENAVENTE RIBEROS” in the 2017-2018 season. Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Zarza la Mayor.
2017-2018 Hunting Season (Cabezo Negro)
Deer, bronze medal, shot in the estate “CABEZO NEGRO” in the 2017-2018 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Herrera de Alcántara.
The "CINEGETICA DE ALCANTARA" Extremadura organization has been awarded the prize for best program in open hunting estate in the 2016-2017 season.
(Marisitos Díaz, co-director of Cinegética de Alcántara, collects the award).
2016-2017 Hunting Season (Calderones y Cornejo)
Wild boar, gold medal, shot in the estate “CALDERONES Y CORNEJO” in the 2016-2017 season.
Open hunting estate, located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
2016-2017 Hunting Season (Bordones)
Deer, bronze medal, shot in the estate “BORDONES” in the 2016-2017 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Ceclavín.
2016-2017 Hunting Season (Solana)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate “SOLANA" in the 2016-2017 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Herrera de Alcántara.
2016-2017 Hunting season
Deer stalking in open hunting estate with Cinegética de Alcántara, 190 points, gold medal.
2015-2016 Hunting Season (Bordones)
Wild boar, gold medal, shot in the estate “BORDONES” in the 2015-2016 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Ceclavín.
2015-2016 Hunting season
Deer stalking in open hunting estate with Cinegética de Alcántara, 186 points, gold medal
Prize 2015 Todomontería for the montería "BENAVENTE RIBEROS" as one of the top 10 of the year in the category open hunting estate. Besides hunting organization led by Pablo Díaz he has got five monterías the 2014-2015 program among the Top 50 better monterías of the year in the open hunting estate.
2014-2015 Hunting Season (El Cotano)
Deer, silver and bronze medal, shot in the estate “EL COTANO” in the 2014-2015 season. Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Zarza la Mayor.
2014-2015 Hunting Season (Los Hornitos)
Wild boar, silver medal, shot in the estate “LOS HORNITOS” in the 2014-2015 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
2014-2015 Hunting Season (Las Mohedas)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate “LAS MOHEDAS” in the 2014-2015 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
The "CINEGETICA DE ALCANTARA" Extremadura organization has been awarded the prize for best 2013-2014 program in open hunting estate to be the organization's monterías ranked among the top 50 better monterías of the year in open hunting estate, with a total of seven monterías.
The organization led by Pablo Diaz Ladron de Guevara will also receive a prize of honor for the montería "LAS MOHEDAS" as one of the top 10 of the year in the category open hunting estate.
Paco Jardón in front of the Extremeñas rehalas 2014
Paco Jardón, owner of the hunting estate "LOS CALDERONES", located in the municipal area of Alcántara, supporting Extremeñas rehalas.
2013-2014 Hunting Season (Bordones)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate “BORDONES” in the 2013-2014 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Ceclavín.
2012-2013 Hunting Season (Barrantes)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate “BARRANTES” in the 2012-2013 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Alcántara.
2011-2012 Hunting Season (El Cotano)
Deer, gold medal, shot in the estate “EL COTANO” in the 2011-2012 season.
Open hunting estate, 2000 ha, located in the municipal area of Zarza la Mayor.
2010-2011 Hunting Season (El Puente)
Deer, silver medal, shot in the estate “EL PUENTE” in the 2010-2011 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Ceclavín.
2010-2011 Hunting Season (El Millar del Pie)
Deer, gold medal, shot in the estate “EL MILLAR DEL PIE” in the 2010-2011 season.
Closed hunting estate located in the municipal area of Herreruela.
2008-2009 Hunting Season (Benavente Riberos)
Wild boar, gold medal, shot in the estate “BENAVENTE RIBEROS” in the 2008-2009 season. Open hunting estate, 3000 ha, located in the municipal area of Zarza la Mayor.
2007-2008 Hunting Season (El Puente)
Wild boar, silver medal, shot in the estate “EL PUENTE” in the 2007-2008 season.
Open hunting estate located in the municipal area of Ceclavín.
Barriada de San Pedro, 34
10980 - Alcántara (Cáceres)
Móvil : Pablo Díaz: 656 973 142 Marisitos Díaz: 656 973 143